Rhexisgaming Interview

The spotlight's on Rhex:

What's Circa May 2020? It's in your Twitch stuff.

That's when I first started streaming, May 11th. I started streaming at the height of COVID when it was still stay inside (in home), things got boring and it's not easy to make memories with friends at this point. I met someone named StarSkreams, a master yi at the enemy team, because of him but he's a genuine human being, one of the coolest people ever. He'd dance when he killed me, danced when he killed. I was so mad at the situation (before I streamed), lost my promotion, and suddenly he drops his Twitch stream information. I joined his stream and he looks like a friend of my mom, he was taking bong hits, smoking weed. I didn't know I could smoke weed on Twitch, thinking I could make lots of friends that way. I did, started streaming soon after.

Handsome Rhex profile picture

Do you think Master Yi is unfairly labeled a "brain dead champion."

I think he's categorically the most hated champion, viable in low-elo, this is where he shines the most and appeals to the most amount of players. Even though I may not like him he's a champion in LoL nonetheless and at the end of the day it's not the champion it's the player, it's who's driving.

Rhexisgaming's webcam from when he's streaming

Are you vaccinated?

Strange interview, not going to lie. Yes, I'm vaccinated.

Some reports say vaccination can cause a permanent Bill Gates tattoo on your arm [Like the one in the picture].
Did this happen to you?

I have a Bill Murray tattoo, so....

Rhexisgaming Twitch stream screenshot

Has the 5G been difficult to handle now it's inside you brain?

Stop, stop with these questions. This interview's over.

Watch Rhexisgaming!