Gatorade2008 InterviewThe spotlight's on Gator:![]() What made you choose gatorade2008 as your username? I noticed your Twitter handle is Ohb_Gator so what's with the Gator?When I was in high school I was taking a lot of Tylenol and Advil because I have Cerebral Palsy and I was buying Gatorade from the Gatorade machine next to my classroom. It started in high school and just sorta stuck. Do people treat you differently because of a visible disability? If so, does that annoy you!?They can, I'm not saying they don't, they do. It's in their nature to. If you don't understand something, you're going to treat it differently. If you're going to play a new champion, you're going to play it wrong. What's the nicest thing you've ever done for someone? Bragging rights allowed!I wouldn't say there's just one thing. I wouldn't be narrowing it down to one specific thing. I can't give you a definitive answer on that. ![]() Gator playing League of legends without a keyboard, using a mouse with many buttons. What's the most annoying LoL champion?Right now, I feel like it's probably Sett or Mordekaiser. Sett heals so much. I mean there's a ton of broken champs. There's Samira, Mundo because of his passive... there's a lot of things to consider. I think it depends mostly on how you play the game. Are you passive or aggressive? Are you a tank player? There's a lot to consider with that question. What rank are you in LoL?I'm currently Silver 4. Do you believe Joe Biden is a reptilian shapeshifter?I'm not answering that question. Good, no answer makes you safer in this infested world. What's the funniest conspiracy theory you don't believe?I think the funniest one I've heard lately is that, ugh, bigfoot killed someone on a pot farm. Does bigfoot like pot?I honestly don't know. Do you mainly top lane?Yes. What's the most annoying LoL champion?Right now, I feel like it's probably Sett or Mordekaiser. Sett heals so much. I mean there's a ton of broken champs. There's Samira, Mundo because of his passive... there's a lot of things to consider. I think it depends mostly on how you play the game. Are you passive or aggressive? Are you a tank player? There's a lot to consider with that question. What's the most awful thing someone said to you in high school?I honestly don't even remember. If you could have one superpower, other than shooting spaghetti out of your fingertips... what would it be?Flying. Flying for sure. One time I was in church, and they asked what our spiritual gifts were and I said levitation. They then gathered around me and asked for me to display it. I couldn't. That's not even a question. I have to make this a question. Hmm. Have you seen the video of Britney Spears being launched sky high while in a porta potty?No I haven't. |